Clients I serve

Feeling like you’re existing outside your body? Does it seem like you’re a spectator in your own life?

My focus is in supporting folks address sexual trauma, process domestic violence, improve their inner lives, and find empowerment and agency in their relationships. I work with individuals and relationships, seeing ages 18-80. I offer “superbills” for private pay clients, and am looking into insurance panels.

My license is in Washington State, please be aware that you must be present in Washington for us to conduct our session.

Creating a safe space

Regardless of what led you to therapy, you deserve a safe space — a place where you can arrive authentically and speak your truth without judgment. Therapy gets to be a place where you can show up as fully you, letting go of your protections as we build a secure relationship.

Trauma therapy

When we experience something traumatic, our mind and body can enter survival mode. When this lingers, it can be challenging to feel present, or even feel as if we are capable of living a full life. For those who are looking to process their trauma, I begin with a focus on stability and creating a felt sense of safety. From there, I can help you repair the internal chasms created by overwhelming experiences to move out of survival and into a place of resilience.

Individual work

You deserve to live a fulfilling life. What this looks like will be unique, and require a tailored approach. I will listen deeply, address what is important to you, and collaborate to find themes playing out across your life. Together we will explore the next steps to bring you closer to who you want to be.

My experience has taught me to view things systemically. I work to see you, as well as who and what is around you, to identify what will be the most useful in your journey forward.

Relational work

The closer we dance, the more likely we are to step on each other’s toes. If it feels like repairing those missteps is impossible, or the attempt to repair seems to increase the disconnection, relational therapy can help. I listen for patterns in the interactions and work to create the safety needed to allow for new conversations and experiences.

Help distinguish your inner world from your relationships. Arrive in a fuller sense of your Self and find authentic, grounded responses.

My Approach

Since 2019 I’ve worked with identity, finding agency, sexual trauma, recovering from abuse, unburdening family of origin experiences, and navigating relational conflicts. I utilize several therapeutic philosophies to help clients find inner agency and navigate the world and their connections from a place of grounded resilience.

Internal Family Systems [IFS] is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal.” 

IFS Institute

Trauma-Informed Practice is an approach that prioritizes the following principles:

  • “Safety: Ensuring physical and emotional safety for all.

  • Trustworthiness: Maximizing trust, ensuring clear expectations, and having consistent boundaries.

  • Choice: Making individual choice and control a priority.

  • Collaboration: Sharing power and working with.

  • Empowerment: The recognition of strengths and skills to build a sense of hope and possibility.”

Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care

Feminist Theory is the “viewing the social world in a way that illuminates the forces that create and support inequality, oppression, and injustice, and in doing so, promotes the pursuit of equality and justice… Part of what makes feminist theory creative and inclusive is that it often considers how systems of power and oppression interact, which is to say it does not just focus on gendered power and oppression, but on how this might intersect with systemic racism, a hierarchical class system, sexuality, nationality, and (dis)ability, among other things.”

- ThoughtCo

Also see: WSU