Self Care Resources

Foundational to working to improve our lives, is our ability to take care of ourselves. This can be especially challenging when we’re in a survival state and feel like all our energy is going to making it through the day-to-day. Thankfully, self-care can be a huge range of activities, including small things like taking an extra moment to breathe or wearing your favorite socks. Even picking up one new thing to do can markedly improve our ability to move from survival into resilience. I highly recommend making your own “Self-Care” Wheel with a few options that stick out to you and putting it in a visible place. My personal list sits on my desk so I am reminded of it most days!

Here are a few Self-Care resources that you can use for inspiration! I’ve linked documents that you’re welcome to use, and have a small gallery of images below that. Do what feels right for you, take it slow, and feel free to move on from something if it’s feeling like it’s not serving you. Follow what your heart tells you is a good fit.

Fillable Self-Care Assessment and Plan

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Seven Types of Self-Care to Deal with Stress


Emotion and Sensation Identification


Setting Boundaries